
Top Achiever Morris Williams's greatest dunk.

Top Achievers’ basketball program is about igniting a passion, belonging to a team, building self-esteem, as well as learning good sportsmanship, teamwork and leadership – all skills that will help students compete at the highest level of their ability. Collin County students in grades 4-12 are eligible to participate in our year-round basketball program.

Top Achievers invests in the futures of its young athletes. On an annual basis, we obtain numerous college scholarships for both our male and female athletes. At the end of the 2022 school year, we were able to help 90% of our unsigned senior male players scholarships to play for a college before August.

Participating in youth sports is associated with improved self-esteem, cognitive performance, social skills, work ethic, bone health, body weight, cardiorespiratory fitness and overall quality of life, according to a 2020 report from the President’s Council of Sports, Fitness and Nutrition Science Board. The report also states that participating in youth sports is associated with decreased rates of anxiety, depression, stress, substance abuse, risky behaviors, cancer, diabetes and body fat.

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Top Achievers Coaching Staff

Top Achievers student-athlete teams win tournaments and work hard. While our style of play is high energy and competitive, our coaches never lose sight of developing positive characteristics in our athletes.

Coach Lawrence Mann

Coach Lawrence Mann

Founder / Coach
Coach Anteus Mann

Anteus Mann

Pistons & Sparks Coach
Coach Chandler Ruppman

Chandler Ruppman

Coach Morlon Wiley

Morlon Wiley

Coach Crystal Kemp

Crystal Kemp

Coach Aleiyah Brantley

Aleiyah Brantley

Coach Neybia Hernandez

Neybia Hernandez
